Joke of the Day, 6/20/07

June 20, 2007, 7:00 am; posted by
Filed under Jokes  | No Comments

It was the last day of school and the children had lined up to deliver their gifts to the teacher. First came the florist’s son with a bouquet of flowers. Next was the daughter of the candy store owner, with a neatly wrapped box in the shape of a heart.

Then the liquor store owner’s son brought up a large box and set it on the teacher’s desk. She noticed it was leaking on the side, so she touched a drop of the liquid and brought it to her mouth. “Is it wine?,” she guessed.

“Nope,” said the boy.

She tasted another drop. “Champagne?”


“I give up,” she said. “What is it?”

A puppy!


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