The Council’s Ruling — Human Expression

June 11, 2007, 1:30 pm; posted by
Filed under Council  | 1 Comment

This and every Monday, the Bweinh!tributors, having convened in secret for hours of reasoned debate and consideration, will issue a brief and binding ruling on an issue of great societal import.

This week’s question — What is the finest form of human expression?

The council could not issue a majority ruling on this issue.

Mike offers this opinion, joined by Josh and MC-B:



Steve offers this opinion, joined by Djere:

The instrumental symphony; the finest composers can evoke the entire range of emotions without saying a word.


Chloe offers this opinion:

The face is clearly the finest mode of human expression. It requires no tools, it’s completely unique to each person, and in New York it can be hit when you don’t agree with the expression (whereas if you try to hit a Monet because you disagree with it, you will be arrested.)


Tom offers this opinion:

The sestina — the darling of the muses.


David offers this opinion:



Next week: the last meal we would eat if condemned!


1 Comment to “The Council’s Ruling — Human Expression”

  1. aaron.guest on June 11th, 2007 2:15 pm

    Not to be crass,
    But passing gas,
    Leaves even the poets

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