Joke of the Day, 8/23/07

August 23, 2007, 7:00 am; posted by
Filed under Jokes  | No Comments

A wealthy lawyer was riding in a limousine when he saw two men eating grass on the roadside. He told his driver to stop and got out to investigate.

“Why are you eating grass?,” he asked.

“We don’t have money for food,” one man replied.

“Oh, come along with me then,” instructed the lawyer.

“What of my wife? My children?” The other man agreed, as they pointed to a small throng of family members huddled down the road.

“Bring them all!”

They all climbed into the limo. Once they left, one of the men said, “Sir, you are too kind. Thank you for taking us with you.”

The lawyer replied, “No problem. The grass at my house is almost a foot tall.”


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