Local Car Commercials

October 19, 2007, 10:00 am; posted by
Filed under Articles, Djere, Featured, Humor  | 2 Comments

I’d forgotten why I don’t watch local news anymore.

It’s not the quality or nature of the broadcasts — it’s the car commercials.

And it’s not the quality or nature of the commercials – all those liars have the same thing to say. It’s how they say it.

“Hi folks, it’s Tom Parks’ here…”

It’s how HE says it.

Though I’ve never met the man, I’d have no qualms about putting a boot through his face.

And I think that when I go back to work after lunch, I’m going to invent a new word.

Billy, you’re HUGE-tarded.


2 Comments to “Local Car Commercials”

  1. Jesse on October 20th, 2007 12:58 am

    THANK YOU!!! He of whom we do not speak is probably the most annoying man on the planet. Whenever I see commercials like that I make a mental note of what company it is and I make a vow to never do business with them. That goes for all those commercials where they shout and yell at you, too. And Geico? Forget it. Fifteen minutes could save me 15% or more? I don’t care, get rid of the lizard and the cavemen. They were both funny for a few weeks…it’s been a few years.

  2. Rose on October 21st, 2007 3:43 pm

    I can’t believe that you just put Geico commercials on the same level as Billy “no matter where you go you can’t escape my commercials” Fucillo. I love that little gecko, and those cavemen are hilarious. Their commercials are cute and funny, and I would rather watch them for an three days straight than have to hear one of Billy’s.

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