Say Cheese

October 12, 2007, 5:00 pm; posted by
Filed under Articles, Featured, Josh J  | No Comments

Those who know me well will know that I don’t curse. Even those who know me only a bit will notice this about me fairly early on. In high school, I found this simple fact spoke volumes to classmates and furthered my witness.

This doesn’t mean that I don’t have substitute words that I’m all too happy to voice in moments of frustration, words that my mother’s delicate sensibilities would still deem a bit coarse.




The other day I was playing basketball with a young man who knew me not at all. My first clue came when he asked me without a trace of irony if I was really Tom, creator of MySpace (some in this neighborhood think I look like him). My second clue came when I missed a lay-up.


“‘Cheese’? What’s ‘cheese’?”


“What does ‘cheese’ mean?”

“It means I lost the ball,” I told him.

He seemed a bit confused and dissatisfied with this explanation, until a short while later another errant shot brought the same exclamation. Turning to his friend he said, “Oh, I think ‘cheese’ means ‘Oh, #%@&.'”

Close enough.


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