The Council’s Ruling — Best Playground Equipment
October 8, 2007, 12:00 pm; posted by Bweinh
Filed under Council | No Comments
This and every Monday, the Bweinh!tributors, having convened in secret for hours of reasoned debate and consideration, will issue a brief and binding ruling on an issue of great societal import.
This week’s question — What is the best piece of equipment on a playground?
Job delivers the ruling of the Council, joined by Tom and Mike:
Swings are hands down (and feet up) the best. Swinging can be a solitary or social activity, of varied pace and adventure level, and use is limited only by weight-bearing capacity.
Chloe also concurs in the judgment, joined by Djere:
The swings provide a freedom and weightlessness that doesn’t require the use of drugs or danger.
David dissents, joined by Josh and MC-B:
The spinning thing that you jump on after you get it going real fast by running and pushing it.
Steve dissents, joined by Erin:
The monkey bars allow you to clamber and hang, swing and dangle, and to be precisely as adventurous as you dare.
Connie dissents:
The park bench, because it allows me to pause and reflect on the world while simultaneously avoiding all the other vertigo-causing apparatuses.
Next week: What was the best TV show of our lifetimes?
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