Joke of the Day, 12/14/07

December 14, 2007, 7:00 am; posted by
Filed under Jokes  | No Comments

A cowboy walked out of a bar, and a second later, came back in, mighty mad.

“Okay,” he yelled. “Which one of you sidewindin’ hombres went outside an’ painted mah horse bright red while I was a-drinkin’?”

No one answered. The cowpoke drew his six-shooter and yelled, “I said, which one of you mangy polecats painted mah horse red?!”

Slowly one of the cowboys at the bar stood up. Six feet eight inches tall, he pulled a small cannon from his holster. “I done it,” he growled.

The first cowboy put his gun back in the holster. “Uhhh… I just wanted to let you know the first coat’s dry.”


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