The Council’s Ruling — Bedtime

March 24, 2008, 12:00 pm; posted by
Filed under Council  | No Comments

This and every Monday, the Bweinh!tributors, having convened in secret for hours of reasoned debate and consideration, will issue a brief and binding ruling on an issue of great societal import.

This week’s question — What is the ideal bedtime?

The council was unable to reach a majority ruling on this issue.

Tom offers this opinion, joined by David and Djere:

Going to bed any time except when one is tired is not only an exercise in futility, but helps cement the clock’s stranglehold on our lives.


Erin offers this opinion, joined by Chloe:

Any time after a good story and a hot drink.


Mike offers this opinion:

10:15…because I can’t get up whenever I want.


Josh offers this opinion, joined by MC-B:

An 11 o’clock bedtime allows one to watch any primetime TV or enjoy some time out but still have a reasonable night’s sleep before a work day.


Connie offers this opinion:

11:30. Right after the news and weather. You’re up -to-date for tomorrow and ready to slumber.


Job offers this opinion, joined by Tom:

Midnight. A day seen dutifully through to its completion.


Djere offers this opinion, joined by Job:

Midnight. Nothing worth doing is worth doing if you have to get up before 8 a.m.


Steve offers this opinion, joined by Erin:

My body says midnight, but my mind consistently says 1:30 am.


Next time: Who is the best author of all time?


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