I’ve Got A Mansion?

May 9, 2008, 10:00 am; posted by
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One of the much ballyhooed aspects of Christianity that perplexes me is this notion that when I get to heaven, I will have a mansion waiting for me. Don\’t get me wrong — I know that Jesus Himself said that in his Father’s house were many mansions, and that He was going there to prepare one for me — I just don\’t know what I\’m going to do with it.

If you’re like me (and you\’ll admit it), you have daydreamed at some point abut being rich. You know, winning the lottery, inheriting millions of dollars, inventing some great product or service that makes you a millionaire or billionaire. And part of that, of course, is planning out your mansion. Have you ever had these two trains of thought collide? Have you ever dreamt of what your mansion would be like in heaven? I have, and it\’s perplexing.

I love books, so my earthly mansion is always centered around a great library. Something huge, two floors high, dark wood paneled, and stocked with volume after volume of leather-bound Bible commentaries, exegetics, and first editions by all my favorite authors. If you saw the movie Meet Joe Black, Anthony Hopkins has a similar library. So what\’s the problem? Well, what could I possibly need books for in heaven? I suspect I\’ll know everything I need, or want, to know. Why would I still be interested in the affairs of a sin-sick fallen race? Like Paul said, “Now I know in part; then I shall know, even as I am known.” So, anyway, the library is out.

What about a kitchen? I like to cook. But will I have to cook there? If I have to cook, I\’ll make a mess, and since we aren\’t given in marriage there, abiding like the angels, I\’ll have no wife to help clean! I usually do a lot of that myself anyway, but how would it be heaven if I still have to empty the trash? Wash dishes? Sweep and mop the floor? Wipe down the counters?

And if I need a kitchen, will I need a bathroom? I hope not.

You see where this is going. A game room: you gonna shoot pool in heaven, or play ping-pong? A home theatre: what are you gonna watch in heaven? Certainly not Charlie\’s Angels. How many bedrooms? What would I do with one anyway? Will I even sleep in heaven? It\’s mind-boggling.

As grateful as I am, I just can\’t think of one thing that I would need a mansion for in heaven. I plan on worshipping the Lord, and maybe, if it\’s possible, slipping out for a ride through the cosmos once in a while, to check out the planets, nebulae, comets and asteroid belts. I can\’t think of anything that would compel me to hang around a mansion, washing windows, mowing lawns, waxing floors…


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