One Hundred Words (7)

May 23, 2008, 9:00 am; posted by
Filed under 100 Words, Steve  | 1 Comment

In the spirit of Proverbs 10:19, our newest regular feature will be a series of posts of 100 words — or fewer. Comments under ten words!

I walk to work, each day, past a theatre with sharp and jutting eaves, a lovely avian habitat. Spring is the season of life, and every morning the new birds scream and chirp with the bold insolence of youth.

This is much more annoying than you might think.

Wednesday, accosted for a solid block by high-pitched screech, I finally looked up to the overhang and implored the birds for silence. “Would you please shut up!”

Less than one second later, a blow to my head. Struck in the glasses, I staggered back.

They shut me up.

Thursday I carried an umbrella.



1 Comment to “One Hundred Words (7)”

  1. Lael Beckwith on May 25th, 2008 4:42 pm

    Deadly bird is much clearer now. I’m at my limit.

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