Response to an Atheist

August 15, 2008, 2:00 pm; posted by
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From a letter to my newspaper’s editor this week.

Listening to an atheist comment on the Bible is like having an illiterate man read you the evening newspaper; there may be some imagery he can grasp through the photographs, but the mass of content and nuance is certainly lost on him, and will only lead him into erroneous inferences about the meaning. The Bible is a spiritual book, and makes the case itself that it can only be rightly understood by those who have received God’s Spirit through their faith in Jesus Christ and His atoning sacrifice.

The latest atheist to comment on the Bible here in the newspaper argued that the Bible is not a fit source for morality because so many Bible characters exhibited immoral behavior in their lives. The erroneous assumption here is that Bible characters were superhuman beings, designed to model perfection for the human race. They were not. They were human beings who, like any Christian today, were meant to model grace, mercy and redemption to the world.

If God had seen fit to whitewash the lives of the saints depicted in Scripture, He could have done so, but where would our hope be? Our hope is in the fact that a sinful person can be reconciled to God through his Son, then participate with Him in the great work of redeeming lost souls. The Bible is the right source of morality for the human race because God has deigned it to be so, not because we, as human beings, have found that it fits our idea of morality.


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