
October 17, 2008, 1:12 am; posted by
Filed under Bwog, Steve  | 2 Comments

The silliest part about this story about a horse artist isn’t that his painting, “The Big Red Buck,” was selected to appear in a prestigious international juried competition.

It isn’t the art critic who wrote that the horse “clearly grabs me and holds me as I watch him paint with the fire of Pollock.” That’s just creepy.

No, it’s this quote from his owner “and assistant” — “It’s not about novelty anymore. It’s about his validation as an artist.”


I did enjoy what one art curator said, although probably not for the reasons he intended. “There may not be a lot of thought behind the process, but one could also ask the same question about Pollock or De Kooning or Rothko.”

Well, yes. Yes, one could. In fact I do. Every time I look at their “art.”

If a horse can do your job as well as you can, you should probably consider another line of work.


2 Comments to “Mo-Neigh”

  1. Tom on October 17th, 2008 1:58 pm

    As a former rickshaw driver I resent and reject your last statement.

  2. Phil on October 20th, 2008 9:17 pm

    If a horse could do my job, it would save me the trouble.

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