Three Links (Vol. 11)

November 3, 2008, 8:03 pm; posted by
Filed under Bwog, Steve  | 1 Comment

— A reminder from pacifist, agitator, and singer-songwriter Derek Webb: “If your conscience is seriously conflicted over both candidates, you are at liberty to not vote.” That’s the position of many Amish, enough so that “looking for Amish voters is a little like trying to buy drugs.”

Obama Warns He May Cease To Exist Unless America Believes In Him [The Onion]. Don’t laugh — it can happen. “In Texas, he is nothing more than a gentle wind, rustling through the trees””a ghostly visitor soon departed.”

— James Lileks — writer, polymath, and a personal role model — has started a separate political blog, perhaps foretelling the impending tide of leftism.

P.S.: While I was looking up my first-ever reference to Lileks (wherein I called him “the love child of Garrison Keillor and Dave Barry”), I spent a solid few hours looking through my old journal. Fascinating reading, some of it. Linking to it here should help my biographers.

As for what I found there, you might enjoy this actual picture of a logged forest, this list of things to do when you’re bored, or this story about how Abraham Lincoln was almost in a duel to the death, thanks to a satirical letter he wrote.

Or — if you’re interested in the actual content — here’s a consideration of how quickly taboos become anachronisms, an indictment of the modern focus on feelings over ideas, and my acknowledgment that I’m not nearly as smart as I think I am.

Now that I remember where this stuff is, I might use it for a “Best Of” article someday.


1 Comment to “Three Links (Vol. 11)”

  1. Rose on November 4th, 2008 3:58 pm

    According to my Amish, Mennonite and Anabaptism class, no Amish vote. It is part of their belief to “be in the world, but not of the world.” If they vote, they are Mennonite, a much more progressive group of Anabaptists.

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