Three Links (Vol. 14)

December 2, 2008, 3:26 pm; posted by
Filed under Bwog, Steve  | 1 Comment

— This firsthand account of the horrific attacks in India is spellbinding, as have been so many of the others I’ve read. A truly terrifying experience — one, I add, that we have been blessed to avoid on this soil for over seven years now. I pray that continues, here and elsewhere.

— Sen. Harry Reid is giving thanks for the new, $621 million Capitol Visitors’ Center because it means he and his fellow legislators won’t have to smell the tourists anymore. I’m not quite sure how air conditioning will solve the proletarian odor problem, but if it makes our Congressional overlords happy, I’m all for it. If there’s one thing Senators shouldn’t have to face, it’s common scents.

— Meanwhile, the long, desperate wait is over, and we have Cornell University to thank: for yam-flavored ice cream!


1 Comment to “Three Links (Vol. 14)”

  1. MCB on December 8th, 2008 10:44 am

    It’s worth noting that not only is the ice cream yam flavored, but its name is “Slammin’ Yamz.”

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