One Hundred Words (39)

January 16, 2009, 12:00 am; posted by
Filed under 100 Words, Steve  | 2 Comments

My parents’ bathroom, where I’ve been bathing since the early ’80s, has a new light bulb. It’s one of those fancy numbers that doesn’t turn on all at once, to save the polar bears or somesuch.

Flip the switch, and suddenly I’m in a groggy, dusky shadowland, belonging neither to light nor dark. Sometimes I drop my toothbrush. Eventually the bulb warms, and slowly its light grows brighter and brighter, harsher and harsher, until everything around is too garishly revealed — like a game of Wheel of Fortune, with every puzzle ripped from your diary.

I’m learning to brush in the dark.



2 Comments to “One Hundred Words (39)”

  1. Rose on January 16th, 2009 10:26 am

    It drives me crazy too.

  2. Connie Maxon on January 19th, 2009 10:03 am

    You won’t like it in the dark any better…

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