The Council’s Ruling — Punctuation

July 28, 2008, 12:00 pm; posted by
Filed under Council  | No Comments

This and every Monday, the Bweinh!tributors, having convened in secret for hours of reasoned debate and consideration, will issue a brief and binding ruling on an issue of great societal import.

This week’s question — What is the most underappreciated punctuation mark?

Steve delivers the ruling of the Council, joined by Chloe, Kaitlin, Tom, and MC-B:

It must be the semicolon — like man, an elegant unifier of seemingly disparate thoughts.


MC-B concurs, joined by Mike:

The semicolon: though underused, it has the power to bind two otherwise unrelated sentences together.


Djere dissents, joined by Connie and David:

The sarcostrophe. So many brainless people on the internet can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic. The sarcostrophe clears *ALL* that up.


Erin, Josh, and Job played no part in the determination of this issue.

Next time: Which candidate (if any) will you support for President?


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