The Council’s Ruling — Private Lives of Politicians

September 15, 2008, 12:30 pm; posted by
Filed under Council  | No Comments

This and every Monday, the Bweinh!tributors, having convened in secret for hours of reasoned debate and consideration, will issue a brief and binding ruling on an issue of great societal import.

This week’s question — How relevant is a political candidate’s private life to his or her performance in office?

The Council was unable to agree on a rationale, but gives a tentative ruling of “relevant.”

David offers this opinion, joined by Djere and Connie:

Very relevant. A person is nothing more than the sum of their actions and how they have responded to their failings — moral or otherwise.


Connie offers this opinion, joined by Job:

It speaks to one’s character, so I believe it is quite relevant. Important potential life-changing decisions are made based on this same character.


Kaitlin offers this opinion, joined by Steve and Tom:

In an ideal world, personal morality would be directly proportionate to leadership ability. In the real world, candidates’ private lives have little bearing on how well they will lead.


Steve offers this opinion, joined by Kaitlin and Tom:

Somewhat relevant — especially if it could be used as blackmail — but fortunately for mankind, a bad person can still make a good leader.


Chloe offers this opinion:

Moderately relevant — a politician’s integrity can be measured by the self-restraint in his or her private life. However, the media has used politicians’ private lives to obscure the true issues and sway voters in one direction or the other.


Josh dissents, joined by MCB:

If it’s the candidate from the party I oppose, personal problems are irrefutable proof that he is incapable of running the nation, since he can’t run his own life. If it’s the candidate from my party, it’s completely irrelevant; please stop persecuting the man during a difficult family time.


Erin and Mike played no part in the determination of this issue.

Next time: If you had to eat the same meal for lunch for the rest of your life, what would it be?


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