The Council’s Ruling — Best Source of News

September 4, 2007, 11:00 am; posted by
Filed under Council  | No Comments

This and every Monday, the Bweinh!tributors, having convened in secret for hours of reasoned debate and consideration, will issue a brief and binding ruling on an issue of great societal import.

This week’s question — What is the best source of news?

The Council delivers the ruling of newspapers, but was unable to agree on a rationale.

Tom offers this opinion, joined by Job:

Newspapers seamlessly blend local, national and world news in a medium that’s a sheer pleasure for all five senses.


David offers this opinion, joined by Connie:

The newspaper; nothing beats a cup of coffee and the smell of fresh newsprint. One squirrel touching the wrong line and every other medium is gone.


Mike offers this opinion:

The newspaper–because you can’t kick back outside with your morning coffee and your laptop.


Chloe offers this opinion, joined by MC-B:

Because television relies so much on breaking news, eyewitness coverage and interviews, it is forced to be the most truthful on the spot of all news media.


Djere offers this opinion:

The town crier: the original source of EDUtainment.


Steve offers this opinion:

The Internet allows you to learn about what matters most to you, and supplements the big news agencies with eyewitness reports from average people.


Josh offers this opinion:

The Internet is the best source of news due to its speed of update, cross referencing ability and complete user control.


Next week: What should happen to Michael Vick?


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