Eliza? Why won’t you give me free coffee?

April 30, 2007, 11:57 pm; posted by
Filed under Humor, Job  | 7 Comments

Hi Eliza, my name is Job, and I’m a frequent customer here at the Gulf station on South Main. In fact, this is pretty much exclusively where I buy gas. But I’m guessing, by the $1.29 that just popped up on your register thingy there, that Amber didn’t leave you a note or anything eliza telling you I always get free coffee when I roll in here at around 7:45 AM, Monday through Friday.

I was sad to see that Amber just quit one day, not even taking into account the countless minutes of wasted flirtation she stole from me when she left. That was some of my best work… But I was sure she would’ve briefed you that my charm was not worth fighting, so it’s best to just smile shyly and wave me off with this large hazelnut and my swagger.

No note, huh?

Did you look around out back?


So what you’re saying, Eliza — that’s a pretty name, by the way…I’ve never met a bad Eliza — is that I’m going to have to build from scratch with you?


Very well. Let’s get started…

So tell me, Eliza, are you working hard or hardly working this morning?


7 Comments to “Eliza? Why won’t you give me free coffee?”

  1. Rose on May 1st, 2007 9:01 am

    Wait a minute, this seems awfully familar.

    What’s with the repeatsies?!

  2. Job Tate on May 1st, 2007 10:39 am

    Shh, Rose, shh… You are getting Verrrrrrrry sleepy.

  3. Tom on May 1st, 2007 11:57 am

    Shh, Rose, shh… You are getting Verrrrrrrry sleepy.

  4. Tom on May 1st, 2007 11:57 am

    See, she gets dejas vous all the time.

  5. Job Tate on May 1st, 2007 12:02 pm

    genius, tom

  6. Karen on May 1st, 2007 12:03 pm

    I thought it was cute, the article. plus i love the name Eliza.

  7. Rose on May 1st, 2007 12:37 pm

    Ha! because Tom and Job made me laugh, and Karen’s comment sounded like Yoda, I’ll let this one slide.

    But I’m watching you.

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