Dispatches From the Future

March 13, 2007, 3:00 pm; posted by
Filed under Articles, Djere  | 3 Comments

How? I don’t know. Such things are beyond my understanding. How does any one of us deserve a second chance? But a second chance even before a mistake has been made… a path has been followed? What have I done to deserve a second chance, years before these gears have been set into motion?

Spring to summer, summer to fall, fall to winter. Year after year, winter gives way to spring and the cycle is perpetuated. Backing into my driveway after work, I noticed the silver gleam of a metal box wedged into the snowbank across the road at Maxon Corners.

I took the box into the kitchen to examine it more closely, the child in me still hoping to find a treasure map or kryptonite. Imagine my surprise to find a letter addressed to me.

The paper was foreign to me. Nothing you’d find in a store. It was rough-hewn, of uneven thickness, and a non-standard size. The fibers were thick and visible pieces of hair, straw, and fabric felt rough in my hand.

The paper was deeply creased in quarters. I unfolded the letter and began to read.

Dear Djere,

The number you’re thinking of is 13, your social security number is XXX-XX-XXXX, and more than anything else, you want to retire to Baja California and live out your days in the sun.

I was taken aback. I looked up and around the kitchen, scanning for hidden cameras, microphones… anything that could have been giving away my secrets. But there was nothing. I turned back to the letter.

No, Djere, you are not under surveillance. I know these things because you know these things. Greetings from year A.Y. 27.

My name is Djere Maxon, and in this box — in the letters that will appear for you — is our story. These are my dispatches from the future.


3 Comments to “Dispatches From the Future”

  1. Chloe on March 13th, 2007 10:48 pm

    I highly disapprove of that heinous advertisement you have. thewhoa.net? Get rid of it – it’s not kosher.

  2. Steve on March 14th, 2007 12:48 pm

    I’ll see what I can do.

  3. Steve on March 14th, 2007 12:49 pm

    All set.

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