Necco’s Sky Bar

May 7, 2007, 2:30 pm; posted by
Filed under Articles, Djere  | No Comments

On this, Djere’s birthday, we present a post from the Best of Djere, originally written on March 3, 2006.

I was standing in the Sweet Shoppe, a confectionary in the lobby of Hewitt Union in SUNY Oswego. While perusing the aisles of the establishment, a sorry sight caught my eye. Sitting, untouched, was an entire box of what has to be the least popular candy bar of all time — Necco’s Sky Bar.Sky Bar

According to Necco’s website, “In 1938, the Sky Bar was first announced to the public by means of a dramatic skywriting advertising campaign. Necco was the first candy manufacturer in this country to introduce a molded chocolate bar having four distinctly different centers enrobed in chocolate.”

The Sky Bar still claims the “honor” of being the only four-flavored candy bar in the world. But is the bar “a truly unique treat,” as Necco claims? Let’s find out together.

The premise of the bar is its four different flavored fillings: Caramel, Peanut Butter, Vanilla, and Fudge. For this experiment, I purchased a Sky Bar and 1 pint of whole milk. After each flavored section, I will record my reaction to the candy, cleanse my palate with milk, and move onward to the next.

The foundation of every good candy bar is chocolate. At first bite, the chocolate seems to be of lower quality than Hershey’s or Nestle’s. Perhaps Necco is holding fast to their ancient time-honored chocolate recipe and won’t use more sugar, but whatever the case, this chocolate is subpar.
All in all?Below Average

The first section of Sky Bar I tried was the caramel section, wrapped inside the less-than-desirable chocolate. The caramel was all-in-all unremarkable, and could have been mass produced by any number of companies.
All in all?Average

WHY YOU SEE KAY! YUCK YUCK YUCK! This is far and away the most disgusting peanut butter I have ever eaten. In fact, this peanut butter was so bad that I took one bite, thought it was caramel, got angry that it was caramel, realized it was peanut butter, and then got angry that it wasn’t caramel! It was so bad, I almost drank all my milk on the peanut butter!
All in All?Avoid at all costs

Just when I had given up hope on you, Sky Bar, you pulled through in the clutch. Down two outs in the fifth inning, Necco came through big with the vanilla section of the Sky Bar. Not too rich, not too overpowering, almost good enough to stand on its own as a legitimate candy bar. Perhaps by now the poor taste of the chocolate had worn off, but I think the vanilla section alone was worth the pain of the peanut butter.
All in all?Good

The fudge was caramel, simple as that. The fudge was so bad that I either confused it with the caramel at the beginning or the end. Or it wasn’t even in the bar. It’s hard to tell.
All in all?An unknown mystery

Overall, I was hoping for a richer, fuller, more life-altering experience from Necco’s Sky Bar. But sadly, the bar has been out of the limelight so long that it forgot how to put on a show. Perhaps they should have spent less on skywriting over the years and more on recipe research.

I want to like you, Sky Bar. I want to take you away from this place of desolation to which you have been exiled by flashier chocolates. But you won’t let me! You push me away with bad chocolate and nonexistent fudge!

Why do you taunt me so, Sky Bar?? Away with you!

Away with you!


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