About that election…

August 10, 2007, 3:36 am; posted by
Filed under Djere  | No Comments

What was I thinking?

Sure, it was a hypothetical vote for an election over a year away, but the more I think about it, the more I wonder what I was thinking. I mean: Mitt Romney? Seriously?

Despite the theological differences I have with the church of Rome, they are still “Christians” in a very real sense. I may have a problem with the loose morals of the “Bible Belt,” but as the Apostle Paul would say, “at least the name of Christ is named.”

Mormons are not Christians.

And though for a while I thought it didn’t matter who the president prays to, these people are messed up.

Satan’s M.O. doesn’t change — you want to be like God, don’t you?

Genesis 3:4-5 says:

“You will not surely die,” the serpent said to the woman. “For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”

Somebody at work asked me if I was a Mormon once. I laughed and replied in the negative. “What’s wrong?,” they asked. “Don’t you want to be a god when you die?”

For the slightest of instants, I thought about how cool that would be. But before any other synapses could fire, from the depths of my spirit, I knew the answer was no, I don’t want to be a god. I already have a God. What point is there in worshiping God if I’m going to demand worship as a god myself? Besides, I played Black and White. I was a terrible, evil, petty god who demanded human sacrifice.

I smiled at my co-worker and said, “No thanks, God does a good enough job on His own.”

There are very, very, very few South Park episodes that I can recommend in good conscience. All About Mormons is one. South Park Mormon Picture

Sorry, Mr. Romney. I’d love to vote for your mainstream conservatism, your family values, and your perfectly manicured coif, but I have trouble voting for a man who thinks God was once human, became a god, had sex with Mary to create Jesus, requires followers to wear magic underwear, plans on working his way to heaven to become yet another god, and will keep his spirit brides perpetually pregnant to populate the planet he rules.

Not cool.

As for me and my household? We’ll vote Freddy Thompson.


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