Russia Invades Georgia — Congratulations, Mr. Bush

August 12, 2008, 11:42 pm; posted by
Filed under Articles, Djere, Featured  | 4 Comments

Ready for an understatement? I’m frustrated.

I know that given the circumstances, invading Afghanistan was the right thing to do. It was clear from intelligence reports that the mastermind behind the 9/11 plot, Osama Bin Laden, was in hiding there, protected by the Taliban. To almost any impartial observer, Al-Qaeda’s declaration of war on America gave us enough of a justification to declare that war.

I know that the people of Iraq are better off today than they were under Saddam Hussein. Any impartial observer would tell you that despite the old reports of sectarian violence and naysayers predicting three-way civil war, a fledgling democratic government is starting to take root.

But none of that stops me from being so *expletive deleted* frustrated by the whole situation. It’s been nearly seven years since I watched over 2,600 people die on national television. Never before had so much pro-American support been poured out on a global scale, and where do we stand today? Internally and internationally, I would say we’re worse off than ever before, with absolutely no glimmer of hope on the horizon. Neither of our presidential candidates are worth their weight in spit and Americans are too busy worrying about what celebrity is anorexic this week and which one should be anorexic the next.

Even in our own back yard, two-bit leftist thugs spew anti-American hate as a platform for election, and have been growing in influence slowly but surely. How many South American countries even like us any more? How many European countries respect America? How many Americans respect America?

Russia invades Georgia, and we’re absolutely powerless to stop them. We have absolutely no pull in the former Soviet republics when we cannot provide aid to the most pro-Western democracy in the region. Sure, we can threaten Russia with long-term effects — raising insurance rates so they can’t host the Olympic Games, blocking Russian entry into the WTO, refusing to play war games with them…

I don’t know what the answer is. I’d love to tell you that a North American Union would be part of the solution (provided it were a conservative, regional government, not like the EU).

I just don’t know and it frustrates me.

What we need is Ronald W. Reagan. :(


4 Comments to “Russia Invades Georgia — Congratulations, Mr. Bush”

  1. Steve on August 13th, 2008 9:55 am

    I don’t think our foreign or domestic policy should be shaped by considerations of who does or doesn’t “like us.”

    Of course we’re powerless to stop a Russian invasion of Georgia (although there seems to be at least some fault on both sides) — do you really want us to be responsible to sort out every Caucasus border skirmish? It’s hard-hearted, sure, but we shouldn’t get into any sort of mutual defense program with any country whose continued existence is not vital to our national interests.

  2. Djere on August 13th, 2008 12:26 pm

    “but we shouldn’t get into any sort of mutual defense program with any country whose continued existence is not vital to our national interests.”

    I completely agree! Why are we pushing for Georgia to enter into the NORTH ATLANTIC Treaty Organization if we aren’t going to protect them from the the spectre of the soviet bear?

    I’ll trade in my dollars for Ameros, friend. Will you?

  3. David on August 13th, 2008 3:46 pm

    You cannot have your cake and eat it too. The potential threat of military action only exists when you are not currently engaging that military. As soon as we started playing at war on two fronts our ability to deter Russia—or anyone else for that matter—from agression toward our weaker allies dissappeared. Great Britian made the same mistake at the start of WWII with it’s pledge to aid Poland. It should be interesting to see how this all pans out. But yes, I do respect America still. One of the reasons Russia can gamble is that they know that we do not have the stomach for war—no decent people do for long.

  4. Bryce on August 18th, 2008 9:42 am

    From a guy who has been to war I would have to say that any decent (definition of decent being conservatively rendered) person who could stomach war for long wouldn\’t be a decent person at all. Although war is a necessary evil sometimes. But both sides are the victims no matter who America says is the enemy (the other side says we\’re the enemy but I\’m not here to debate the absolutes. Islam is evil. Nuf said) because war is the true enemy. War is the ultimate sociopath where bullets and even precision guided munitions don\’t have feelings and are blind. They hit who they will. It\’s true though that to secure peace is to prepare for and even enter into war. I say all this to communicate that our ability to secure the peace and be the outstanding beacon for the world has been a deteroriating self-image brought on by leftists who say that the United States of America is an imperialist nation which I disagree wholeheartedly. They are attacking our own country in a war of words through the liberal media and capitalizing on the general apathy of Americans. Truly, if we are to return to an era such as Reagan\’s we must win the war of words against those who would kill their own country especially Barack Hussein Obama former muslim. We must invest more of our GDP into the national defense at a rate of Reagan\’s (under Clinton it was down to 2.3% and now under Bush up to 3.1%. Congrats Mr Bush). No matter our policies, foreign or domestic. If we can\’t back it up with a strong military (not saying we don\’t have one. We need a stronger military) we will diminish from the world as a \”Superpower.\” We will diminish as a country whose word will mean nothing. The war is against those who call themselves Americans who want our country to be totally socialist (the Barack Obamas of America), those who will tear apart the true meaning of our constitution and those who will weaken our country with their socio/communist agendas disguised as Change and Hope and Liberal politics. Those leftists want to destroy America, take away our rights especially our 1st and 2nd Amendment rights and make our Republic no more a constitutional democracy but a spitting blood weakened socialist nation. This is one war I will stomach for the rest of my life if I have to. I will not stand by and watch this happen.

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